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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Read&Review Thursday

Read&Review Thursday 31/03/10

What is Read&Review Thursday?
Read and Review Thursday is something I came up with this morning. It's to divert my attention away from all the lovely books in the library and read some of the ones on my shelves, and then write reviews for you lovely people.

So what's it all about?
Every Thursday I will be picking 2 books from my collection to read and review. I will be posting a video of the two books I have chosen and also posting the blurbs and cover of the book on my main blog page. This will be changed every week, and replaced with the new books. The books from the previous week will be turned into reviews and posted under the Book Reviews section, by the title of the book.

Don't worry, I will still be doing my normal In My Mailbox videos every Sunday. Happy Reading Everyone xx

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